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Top-Level Seminar ‘Transfer Pricing: Current State of Play and Outlook’ (in English)

During this 3-day seminar on ‘Transfer Pricing: Current State of Play and Outlook’ (in English) you and other transfer pricing and tax specialists will discuss the transfer pricing (TP) implications of a wide range of topical issues of the post-BEPS world.

You will be brought fully up-to-date with all the important developments to help you framing your TP strategy for the future. You can be assured of in-depth discussions with prestigious speakers like Hans van Egdom, Harm Mark Pit, Prof. Maarten de Wilde, Ronald van den Brekel, Isabel Verlinden, Prof. Guido de Bont and Prof. Raymond Luja. And you will also have the opportunity to engage in discussions with your peers.

This will be an unique opportunity for transfer pricing and tax professionals to meet and exchange experience, knowledge and ideas from different perspectives.

The seminar will be held from Wednesday 9 – Friday 11 April 2025.

Key Benefits

  • In-depth, interactive sessions
  • Diversity of participants and lecturers leading to exchange of knowledge and ideas from different perspectives
  • Intensive 3-day programme
  • Max. 25 participants
  • Bridging theory and practice
  • International networking

During the first day of the seminar, we will be discussing the TP challenges  that will set the scene for the discussions taking place over the three days of the seminar. Further, the tax challenges surrounding Pillar two, Amount B and the EC initiatives will be discussed as well as issues in relation to operationalizing transfer pricing in practice. We will conclude the first day with providing you further insights in the state aid cases related to TP.

The second day of the seminar will provide a deep dive into special TP topics, including the transfer pricing aspects of business restructurings and TP challenges of financial transactions. We will also cover managing intangibles in challenging economic times when flexible value chains reign, value chain analysis and TP policy, and recent Dutch TP court cases.

The last day of the seminar will focus on some relevant topics you may face in practice. Various dispute resolution mechanisms to resolve double taxation will be discussed, as well as recent developments in relation to state aid cases related to TP. The final session will provide you with an overview and takeaways of key TP court cases.

All the sessions will include plenty of opportunity to discuss each of the topics in detail. The seminar will end with a general reflection on the issues presented and some overall conclusions.

If you are looking to update and expand your TP knowledge and like to network with other professionals, sign up now for the EFS top-level seminar on ‘Transfer Pricing: Current State of Play and Outlook’ to be held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam on 9, 10 and 11 April 2025.

Registrations closed

EFS is looking forward to welcoming top-level (international) tax and / or transfer pricing specialists (at least 5 years of relevant experience) who wish to discuss recent and future transfer pricing and to network with peers from the following backgrounds:

  • Tax / TP professionals at Multinationals ((senior)managers, directors and VPs)
  • Tax / TP advisory services ((senior)managers, directors and partners)
  • Tax authorities, government bodies and international organisations (e.g., OECD, EC)
  • Academia (PhD researchers, assistant / associate / professors)
  • Legal practice (associates and partners)
  • Judicial authorities (judges at courts of first instance or higher / supreme courts)
Day 1: Wednesday 9 April 2025

8.00 – 8.45 Arrival of participants at Erasmus University Rotterdam

8.45 – 9.00 Opening and welcome address
Prof. Peter Kavelaars and Clive Jie-A-Joen

9.00 – 10.30 Setting the scene – What are Transfer Pricing challenges in the next five years?
Hans van Egdom

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee/tea break

11.00 – 12.30 Tax Challenges with Pillar Two, Amount B and EC initiatives
prof. Maarten de Wilde

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 15.30 Transfer Pricing in Practice
Önder Albayrak

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee/tea break

16.00 – 17.30 State aid and Transfer Pricing
Prof. Guido de Bont

18.30 Informal meeting and dinner at restaurant

Day 2: Thursday 10 April 2025

09.00 – 10.30  Transfer Pricing Aspects of Business Restructurings
Ronald van den Brekel 

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee/tea break

11.00 – 12.30 Managing intangibles in challenging economic times when flexible value chains reign
Isabel Verlinden

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 15.30 Transfer Pricing Challenges of Financial Transactions
Omar Moerer

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee/tea break

16.00 – 17.30 Recent Dutch transfer pricing court cases
Leendert Jan van Wijnen

18.30 Dinner

Day 3: Friday 11 April 2025

09.00 – 10.30 Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
Harm Mark Pit 

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee/tea break

11.00 – 12.30 State aid and Transfer Pricing
Prof. Raymond Luja

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 15.00 Overview and takeaways of key TP court cases
Suhas Sagar

15.30 – 15.30 Closing remarks and conclusions
Clive Jie-A-Joen

15.30 – 17.00 Closing and drinks

Head of Transfer Pricing – Strategy & Operations at Sanofi

Erasmus School of Law and Dutch Tax Authorities

Maastricht University

Baker McKenzie and The Hague
University of Applied Sciences

Partner at PwC

Erasmus School of Law and Director at PwC

Ministry of Finance

Erasmus School of Law and De Bont Advocaten

Partner at EY

Partner at Deloitte

Dutch Tax Authorities

Dutch Tax Authorities

Prof. Peter Kavelaars

Seminar Director
Peter Kavelaars is Professor on Economics of Taxation at the Erasmus School of Economics and chairman of EFS. He was partner at Deloitte up to 2019. He is editor at MBB, NLF and some other fiscal journals and also on the staff at WFR, BNB and some other journals on taxation.

Clive Jie-A-Joen

Seminar Coordinator
Clive Jie-A-Joen is a transfer pricing professional with more than two decades of experience. He lectures transfer pricing to Bachelor and Master students at the Erasmus School of Law and Erasmus School of Economics. Clive also works at the Coordination Group Transfer Pricing at the Dutch tax authorities. Clive holds a PhD degree in economics from the Erasmus University Rotterdam and a Master of Science degree in Business Valuation from the TiasNimbas Business School. He has published more than 70 technical articles.

Dates and Times
From Wednesday 9 April (09.00 hrs) to Friday 11 April (17.00 hrs)  2025.

The seminar will be held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam campus, Woudestein.

EFS, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Bayle Building, J5-29
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Hotel accommodation close to the Erasmus University Rotterdam campus is available for all participants. Please find more information about the hotel accommodation in the brochure and application form.

€ 2,850 (including all seminar materials and meals).

The seminar will be in the English.

Target Group
EFS is looking forward to welcoming top-level (international) tax and / or transfer pricing specialists (at least 5 years of relevant experience) who wish to discuss recent and future transfer pricing and to network with peers from the following backgrounds:

  • Tax / TP professionals at Multinationals ((senior)managers, directors and VPs)
  • Tax / TP advisory services ((senior)managers, directors and partners)
  • Tax authorities, government bodies and international organisations (e.g., OECD, EC)
  • Academia (PhD researchers, assistant / associate / professors)
  • Legal practice (associates and partners)
  • Judicial authorities (judges at courts of first instance or higher / supreme courts)

Group size
As the group will comprise a maximum of 25 participants, you can be assured of optimal and active participation.

EFS reserves the right to change the policy, programme, fees and any other items referred to in this brochure.

Accreditation / Continuing professional development
The programme is accredited and you will therefore be eligible for continuing professional development (‘Permanent Education’) points in line with the rules applied by your own professional organisation. This programme comprises 16 hours of tax-related study, based on the professional development required by the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers. You can find more information about this on the EFS website and on the website of your professional organisation.

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance issued by EFS, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Contact / To apply
For more information, please contact:

Clive Jie-A-Joen
Seminar Coordinator
+31 (0)6 82 53 17 88

Please use this application form to apply for the Top-Level Seminar ‘Transfer Pricing’ 2025.

You can click on the fillable form fields to fill in the form digitally. Once completed, please send your application form by mail to the address specified therein, or e-mail it to

For more information

Prof. Peter Kavelaars
Seminar Director

Clive Jie-A-Joen
Seminar Coördinator
+31 (0)6 82 53 17 88

Download brochure
