Post-Master EU VAT (in English)
EFS is the only institute to offer a post-master programme in EU VAT in English. This interactive programme, focusing on the developments in EU VAT and with opportunities for international networking, will ensure you are completely up-to-date with all elements of EU VAT. Module 1 will be held from Monday March 7 to Friday 11, 2022, and module 2 from Monday 30 May to Friday 3 June, 2022.
Key benefits
- In-depth education
- International business focus
- Bridge between theory and practice
- Interactive and on-campus
- International networking
The programme introduces you to the principles in EU VAT legislation and provides you with a detailed understanding of general VAT issues in the EU as well as in-depth training in relevant strategic and business issues.
The first module will discuss general topics and principles and the second module focuses more on strategic and business issues touching the world of VAT.
All programme topics are discussed from the perspective of the EU VAT Directive. Cases of the EU Court of Justice coverning general principles will also be discussed in detail.
Successful completion of the post-master will require you to write and defend a paper. EFS modules are taught by renowned professors and prestigious guest speakers, whose experience, expertise and reputation in their specialised fields guarantee high educational standards.
PM EU VAT participants could work in a variety of fields, including for multinationals, in international VAT consultancy, in legal practice or the academic world or judiciary, and for tax or customs authorities.